Purple, red and gold
It’s amazing how in late November there are so many colourful touches in this garden from not only furniture but also from plants and little additions here and there.

Purple, red and gold
This miscanthus looks fabulous every autumn and through the winter. I cut it to the ground in Feb and up it comes again.
I wrote about how to introduce a new colour here.
Orange and yellow

Orange, purple and golden yellow
Here I’ve tucked artificial Chinese lantern stems from sarahraven.com into the trachelospermum by the front door.
Red berries

Red, green and golden yellow
And to the left I’ve tucked stems of artificial berries (also SR) on the other side. The berries look quite real but it wouldn’t matter if they didn’t.
I scraped the moss out of the gutters and threw the bucketful under the shrubs. It looks lovely and more importantly must be full of insect food for the birds. The robins and blackbirds are rummaging around in there already. Such lovely stuff.

Green and more green
Golden acer leaves
I collected the fallen acer leaves from a neighbour’s tree and carried them back to my lair.

shades of gold and brown
Here they are below, thrown onto the borders to not only make a golden blanket for the plants but to also make a habitat for insects which are then food for birds. Everybody wins.

Warmth for the plants and shelter for creatures
And lastly here below is a small beech shrub in a pot looking fabulous before the leaves drop, after which it’s just a bunch of twigs in a pot until the Spring.
Bronze beech leaves

Bronze beech leaves
You can read about my colourful garden furniture here when I had a brief spot on BBC TV talking about gardening. In such a small garden which I look out on every day of the year I get colour from pots, warm bricks, bistro tables and chairs and of course lots and lots of green.
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Lovely colours! I like the Chinese Lanterns tucked into the Trachelospermum. : )
Thankyou Jill. I would have had them in a vase in the house over winter but we have two new kittens and they would destroy anything in a vase within seconds so I put them outside. They are getting wet unfortunately but worth it to brighten the place up.
Hiw are your new kittens getting on? I love the miscanthus. Do you know which one it is? Karen x
Hello Karen, I think I can look it up in my garden notebook and come back to you. Kittens are a total delight, great fun and getting bigger and lovelier every day. I will send a pic to you somehow. Hope you and your family have a peaceful Christmas , here’s to gardening next year for us all. Julie