A long front garden path

Our friendly front garden
A long garden path
Last Spring a delivery driver on my doorstep spare a moment to tell me how lovely the front garden was looking and what a delight it was to walk down our long front path. He had noticed the scents, the colours and the green lushness. I said a big Thankyou and we spoke for a few minutes about gardening.
This was two days after attending Adam Frost’s Masterclass at his Garden School where 15 of us spent the day with Adam at his home and garden learning about all things gardening.
Adam had asked us what we wanted from our gardens. I had said I wanted to create a place that people wanted to be in; a place that people would walk into and think “Oh this feels lovely”. A garden to be in and feel good.
A friendly front garden
That’s why the driver’s remarks made me so happy. It looks like our front garden was exactly that lovely space for that person on that day; a man who had a busy job and probably no time to notice everyone’s front gardens as he delivered parcels. Our garden made an impression on him and his kind remarks made an impression on me.
Fellow blogger and expert on container gardening, Harriet Rycroft, started #friendlyfrontgardens. I definitely aim to have a friendly front garden and that’s one of the ways that a garden can bring pleasure to other people.
Just a simple pot or a chair by your front door could do it. You can read more about my front garden here. A front garden for other people to enjoy. Maybe think about what you could do in yours.
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Your path looks lovely. Super colours. The best is to come.,
Thankyou Patricia, yes let’s hope this week is cooler to give the tulips a chance to recover.
Isn’t it lovely when someone random pays you a compliment about your garden. Don’t knock the weather – our tulips are not even in flower up here in Glasgow yet,
Yes Rose it is. Thanks for your comment and no, any weather is fine with me. You have tulips yet to look forward to.